Category: Texas Maritime News

Crawfisher Drew Landry Sings Stirring Folk Song to Oil Spill Commission (VIDEO)

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Mississippi Maritime News,Texas Maritime News on July 14, 2010

Louisiana crawfisher, Drew Landry, a native of Lafeyette, Louisiana and a Cajun singer-songwriter, addresses the White House Oil Spill Commission and sings about the devasting economic environment, the effect on the unemployed workers and ecosystem The song is a moving real honest to goodness folk song that evokes emotion and tells the story of the… read more

Kevin Costner Oil Cleaning Machine Heads to Clean Up BP Oil Spill

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Mississippi Maritime News,Texas Maritime News on July 9, 2010

PORT FOURCHON, La. – BP COO Doug Suttles and actor Kevin Costner, co-founder of Ocean Therapy, announced that the Ella G. vessel set sail on Thursday July 8, 2010, carrying Ocean Therapy’s centrifuge system to separate oil and water.

Tar Balls From Gulf Oil Spill Wash Onto Texas Beach

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Mississippi Maritime News,Texas Maritime News on July 6, 2010

TEXAS CITY, Texas – A small number of tar balls washed onto a Texas beach, which means the spill has now affected every single Gulf state. Officials say there’s no way to tell if the tar balls came off a ship or arrived some other way. The Associated Press reports that a “bucket’s worth of… read more

Hurricane Alex Could Halt Oil Spill Cleanup

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Mississippi Maritime News,Texas Maritime News on June 30, 2010

BROWNSVILLE, TX – Hurricane Alex, the first Atlantic hurricane of the 2010 season, was bearing down on Mexico and the southern Texas coastline, far from the spill but generating waves big enough to hamper the cleanup effort 500 miles away. Oil cleanup workers were evacuated from the beach in Port Fourchon, La., on Tuesday because… read more