Transocean – Deepwater Horizon to Economic Horizon
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Maritime Lawsuits,Texas Maritime News,Transocean on September 22, 2010
In 2010, the Human and Organizational Factors Team for the Offshore Division of the Health and Safety Executive issued a report [HSE Report] that places Transocean in a light that demonstrates that it tries to place the blame on lower employees rather than look at corporate management decisions as it pertains to safety. The report… read more
Louisiana Files Lawsuit Against Transocean For Gulf Oil Spill
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Maritime Lawsuits,Transocean,World Maritime News on September 21, 2010
NEW ORLEANS, LA – The state of Louisiana has filed suit against Triton Asset Leasing GmbH and Transocean Ltd. for damages resulting from the Gulf oil spill. In the lawsuit, “State of Louisiana v. Triton Asset Leasing, GMBH et al.”, the defendants listed are Transocean Deepwater, Inc., Transocean Holdings, L.L.C., Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling, Inc…. read more
Oil Rig Survivor Blames BP For ‘Screwed-Up Plan’ That Lead to Gulf Disaster
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Transocean on September 16, 2010
WASHINGTON, DC – Oil rig survivor and Transocean employee, Buddy Trahan, a supervisor on the Deepwater Horizon when it exploded and caught fire on April 20, 2010, was severely injured in the disaster and blames BP for their “screwed-up plan” that lead to the blowout of the well and tragedy that followed. Buddy Trahan, 43… read more
U.S Justice Department Expected to Sue BP Over Gulf Oil Spill
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Government,Gulf Coast,Maritime Lawsuits,World Maritime News on September 15, 2010
NEW ORLEANS, La. – The U.S Justice Department filed papers with the U.S. District Court in New Orleans Monday, September 13, indicating that they expect to sue BP for damages as a result of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010. CNN reported that in the filing, federal… read more
BP Bly Investigation Report: How Reliable is it?
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Texas Maritime News,Transocean,World Maritime News on September 8, 2010
The long awaited Bly Investigation Report was released by BP on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. The report was generated by a BP investigative team led by Mark Bly, BP’s head of safety and operations.
BP Raises Blowout Preventer From Macondo Well
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Government,Jones Act,Louisiana Maritime News,Transocean,World Maritime News on September 7, 2010
NEW ORLEANS, LA – On Saturday, September 4, 2010, the blowout preventer from the Macon well that was involved in the worst oil spill in U.S. history was raised from the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico by BP (British Petroleum) . The disaster occurred in April, 2010 on the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig… read more
Last Day of August Deepwater Horizon Hearings Yields Hope for the Future
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Government,Transocean,World Maritime News on August 30, 2010
On the last day of the fourth week of the Deepwater Horizon Joint Investigation Task Force hearings, Mr. Brett Cocales, a BP Operations Drilling Engineer that was in the line of authority on the Macondo well, revealed that Sperry sends real-time data from all of BP’s Gulf of Mexico projects to the BP home office… read more
Deepwater Horizon Minimum Safe Manning Certificate was Misclassified
Posted in Deepwater Horizon,Government,Gulf Coast,Maritime Law,Transocean,World Maritime News on August 26, 2010
HOUSTON, TX – At the United States Coast Guard Hearing, USCG, in Houston, Texas, on Wednesday, August 25, 2010, the flag state Marshall Islands for the Deepwater Horizon stunned the Deepwater Horizon Joint Investigation Task Force when it admitted that the there had been a “clerical error” in 2004 when it issued the Minimum Safe… read more
Coast Guard Hearings Focus on Command Structure in Deepwater Horizon Disaster
Posted in Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Gulf Coast,Maritime Law,Texas Maritime News,Transocean on August 25, 2010
HOUSTON, TX – An article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) website on August 23, 2010 describes some of the topics under discussion at the hearings in Houston, Texas on the Deepwater Horizon disaster. On Monday, August 23, 2010, the fourth round of hearings into by the joint panel of the U.S. Coast Guard and… read more
Federal Investigators Hold Hearings to Get to Bottom of Gulf Oil Spill Disaster
Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Government,Gulf Coast,Maritime Law,Transocean on August 23, 2010
HOUSTON, TX – Federal investigators will again try to question witnesses on the Gulf Oil Spill in the fourth of a continuing series of hearings by the joint panel of the U.S. Coast Guard and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (formerly the MMS – Minerals Management Service) in Houston, Texas on August… read more