
BP Captures More Oil But Spill Could Go Into Fall

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Transocean on June 7, 2010

Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, appearing on CBS Face The Nation, said on Sunday that BP was succeeding in capturing more oil from its runaway well in the Gulf of Mexico, but cautioned that efforts to cap and clean up what’s already the largest oil spill in American history would stretch into the fall. “We’re… read more

Tar Balls Found on Florida Beaches in the Panhandle

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Transocean on June 4, 2010

PENSACOLA, FL – Officials have said it is inevitable oil will eventually wash up on Panhandle beaches after a slick from the Deepwater Horizon spill was spotted about 9 miles offshore this week. The edge of the spill had moved to four miles off the coast Thursday, Gov. Charlie Crist said after a flyover. Small… read more

BP Makes Successful Cut in Pipe; Cap Will Be a Challenge

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Transocean on June 3, 2010

METAIRIE, La. – Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen said Thursday morning that BP made a successful cut into the Deepwater Horizon well’s riser pipe using giant shears, after abandoning a diamond wire saw that got jammed there the day before. BP’s underwater robots have succeeded in shearing through the pipe atop a blown-out well in… read more

Oil Arrives On Alabama Beach in Dauphin Island – Video

Posted in Alabama Maritime News,BP British Petroleum,Environment,Gulf Coast on June 2, 2010

DAUPHIN ISLAND, AL – The BP oil spill has arrived on the pristine Alabama beach in Dauphin Island, Alabama. In a video, CNN’s John Zarrella shows us the beautiful, wide, white beach in Dauphin Island, Alabama. He continues to walk toward the shoreline where he picks up globs of oil as he describes the gooey… read more

Obama Warns Legal Action If Laws Were Broken in BP Oil Spill

Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Government,Gulf Coast,Transocean on June 1, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC – Obama met with former Senator Bob Graham of Florida and William Reilly, former administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Rose Garden, Tuesday, June, 1, 2010. They will lead the national commission on the BP oil spill in the gulf which is now the greatest environmental disaster in… read more

‘Repeal, Baby, Repeal’: Schumer Calls For Repeal Of Liability Limits in Gulf Oil Spill

Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Maritime Law,Transocean on June 1, 2010

NEW YORK, N.Y. — U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says he will introduce a bill to repeal a law that could allow the owner of the oil drilling rig that sank in the Gulf of Mexico to limit its liability for the disaster to $27 million. Schumer called it “outrageous” that the company could “get away… read more

Oil Spill Hearings Reveal Deepwater Rig Lost Power to Fight Fire

Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Maritime Law,Transocean on June 1, 2010

KENNER, La. – The following story is an update from the joint hearings of the U.S. Coast Guard and Minerals Management Service held in Kenner on Saturday into the explosion and fire aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig on April 20, which killed 11 workers and created the Gulf of Mexico oil spill currently fouling… read more

22 Mile Oil Plume Threatens to Poison Food Chain for Sea Life

Posted in Deepwater Horizon,Environment,Florida Maritime News,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News on May 28, 2010

NEW ORLEANS, La — Researchers have discovered that a 22 mile oil plume was nearing an underwater canyon, where it threatens to poison the food chain for sea life in the waters off Florida. The cloud was nearing a large underwater canyon whose currents fuel the food chain in the Gulf waters off Florida and… read more

Chief Mechanic Testifies BP and Transocean Officials Argued Over Procedures On Day of Disaster

Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Government,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Maritime Law,Transocean on May 28, 2010

KENNER, La – Douglas Brown, chief mechanic on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig, testified Wednesday, May 26, 2010, that BP and Transocean officials argued on the morning of the April 20 disaster over procedures to take place that day. One senior Transocean official who disagreed with BP’s planned procedures on the day of the explosion… read more

BP Official Made Fatal Decision Before Oil Rig Explosion

Posted in BP British Petroleum,Deepwater Horizon,Florida Maritime News,Gulf Coast,Louisiana Maritime News,Maritime Law,Transocean on May 26, 2010

WASHINGTON DC – In the time since the Deepwater Horizon disaster on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico there has been a government inquiry in Louisiana and a committee meeting by the U.S. House of Representatives where new information has come to light about the fateful hours just before the disaster on the… read more